Minute by minute

Fixtures & Results

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Friday, 27 October

20:00h GER GER 5 - 4 ENG ENG
18:45h UAE UAE 4 - 2 TUR TUR
22:45h BRA BRA 8 - 2 ESP ESP
00:00h KSA KSA 1 - 5 JPN JPN

Wednesday, 25 October

19:30h GER GER 2 - 4 JPN JPN
21:00h UAE UAE 5 - 4 ESP ESP
22:15h TUR TUR 2 - 11 BRA BRA
23:30h ENG ENG 4 - 3 KSA KSA

Thursday, 26 October

20:00h JPN JPN 7 - 0 ENG ENG
21:30h ESP ESP 7 - 2 TUR TUR
22:45h BRA BRA 8 - 3 UAE UAE
00:00h KSA KSA 3 - 5 GER GER

Saturday, 28 October

17:45h ESP ESP 2 - 3 ENG ENG
19:00h GER GER 2 - 3 UAE UAE
20:15h KSA KSA 5 - 3 TUR TUR
23:00h BRA BRA 5 - 2 JPN JPN

All matches +



Neom, Saudi Arabia


Main Stadium

Attila Balint

5 4



EBENER 2:48'/1P OLLI 05:13:76'/1P

ENGELHARDT 06:58:65'/2P THüRK 02:50:58'/2P
CLARKE 09:01:95'/2P CLARKE 08:03:42'/2P

PETRY 04:40:83'/3P
JACKSON 03:18:89'/3P YOUNIE 03:12:71'/3P

Full time


#17 Ebener2'
#11 Olli5'
#2 Engelhardt6'
#13 Thürk2'
#13 Thürk0'
#10 Clarke9'
#10 Clarke8'
#10 Petry4'
#10 Petry2'
#21 Jackson3'
#2 Younie3'

Minute by minute

Foul by (Germany) 2'
Yellow card for (Germany) 2'
3' Goal by (England) GER 5 - 4 ENG
3' Own Goal by (England)
Goal by (Germany) GER 5 - 3 ENG 4'
9' Foul by (England)

End of 2nd period. GER 4 - 3 ENG

Foul by (Germany) 0'
Yellow card for (Germany) 0'
Goal by (Germany) GER 4 - 3 ENG 2'
2' Penalty by (England)
Foul by (Germany) 3'
Foul by (Germany) 5'
Goal by (Germany) GER 3 - 3 ENG 6'
6' Foul by (England)
8' Goal by (England) GER 2 - 3 ENG
Penalty by (Germany) 8'
9' Goal by (England) GER 2 - 2 ENG
Foul by (Germany) 9'

End of 1st period. GER 2 - 1 ENG

Foul by (Germany) 1'
Own Goal by (Germany) 5'
7' Foul by (England)
Foul by (Germany) 7'
Foul by (Germany) 8'
Foul by (Germany) 9'
Goal by (Germany) GER 2 - 1 ENG 2'

Start of 1st period.

Match details



Neom, Saudi Arabia


Main Stadium

Attila Balint

Official partners